PROBUS Club of Durham West

Wednesday Walkers

Hello, I am Joy Karney and I am the organizer of the Wednesday Walking Group which will get together at
10:00 a.m. every Wednesday.

We are blessed with so many natural walkways both on the Ajax and Pickering waterfronts and in the Rouge Valley National Park which is only minutes away in the Pickering/Scarborough area. If you enjoy fresh air and friendships, please join us on Wednesdays.

This is a group for ALL people. We have those who love to walk and like to move at a good clip as they chat. But we also have those who like to saunter along and enjoy the scenery and even stop from time to time to look at something or to catch one's breath.

We walk for an hour (or less) starting at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesdays.  We start our walks from a different location each week. So there is constantly something new to look at. Most of our walks start from a place that has a washroom. Also, most walks are on paved or hard packed surfaces.

There is NEVER any need to commit to walking. You just show up when, and if, you feel like moving. To find out where we will be starting from each Wednesday, you need to join our group by sending me an email with your name and email address. I will then add you to the weekly email which will tell you where to go for that week's walk.

We walk all year round, in all kinds of weather.  Usually we are lucky and the weather is fine for a walk and a chat. Hope to see you on the trails whenever you are able to join us.

Contact:  Joy Karney using our directory (Members Only).  


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Wednesday's walking group has enjoyed the fall weather and a few forest and lakeshore  walks this October.  As I am away for four weeks and not back until November 20th, the next four walks will be at Caruthers Marsh Pavilion, walking along the lake and toward Lyndeshore.

We've enjoyed some fall colours, but they are just starting to get more brilliant as of October 20th when I write this.  All are welcome to join us at 10:00 a.m. every Wednesday morning. Hope to see you there!  Joy Karney.


Wednesday walks are going well. All are welcome to join.   We walk in a variety of places, Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. We do a mix of urban and forest walks. Information is sent out to the group weekly. The photos below were taken at Lyndes Shores Chickadee Trail and Greenwood. Hope to see you there!


Wednesday walks have had several regulars. We try to do a mixture of trail  and urban walks. Our regulars live in Ajax and Pickering so I try to pick walks that are convenient to those who come.

All are welcome, of course and we look forward to fall when the weather is perfect for our hour long walks. It's  a great way to make new friends. Come and check it out!

July 17, 2024

People have been busy in the summer months. We've done forest walks, urban walks and walks along the lake front. July 17 we had our best turn out in some weeks. Wednesday walks are good for the body and soul, both for exercise and friendly chats. Come out and join us!

June 5, 2024

Joy took us on an adventure hike today at Halls road at Lynde Shores. It was a perfect hiking day there. 

Lots of beautiful nature items for us to see.

May 22, 2024

Eight of us walked today, Wednesday May 22, 2024 at Caruthers Marsh Pavilion.

Beautiful  weather. Fresh lilacs along the path. 

May 15, 2024

Today's walk on May 15, 2024 was at Greenwood Park.

Perfect weather for this hike. Thanks to Joy who always finds new adventures and hikes.

For those of you who are interested in birds, here are the (many) birds we heard along the way, according to Merlin:

    • Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
    • Northern Waterthrush
    • American Robin
    • Black-Capped Chickadee
    • American Redstart
    • Nashville Warbler
    • Ovenbird
    • Common Yellowthroat
    • American Goldfinch
    • American Crow
    • Eastern Towhee
    • Red-Winged Blackbird

May 1, 2024

This week we  met at the Greenwood parking lot off  Westney Road. We drove north of Taunton on Westney and took a left at Greenwood Road. 

The walk took us up the roadway to White Pine Forest Trail, White Pine Look Out, Duffins Creek Look Out and Bird Lookout. It was close to an hour long and was a circle route. We saw red trilliums, blue jays and trout lilies on the walk. It's a lovely time of year. 

Greenwood is becoming a favorite spot along with the Lakefront. This is the first week it hasn't been blustery and cold for a while.

Here are some great pictures.

April 10, 2024

We had a lovely spring walk on April 10.  some took pics of the swans and there was lots of drift wood blown up on the beach.  Lovely walk and conversation with all who came. Thank you all.

March 13, 2024

We had a lovely walk on March 13.  A foretaste of spring!

February 14, 2024

Last week was a great walk from the Ajax Public Library parking lot and we got a nice group shot to mark the occasion.

January 31, 2024

Great to see some new faces today on our Elizabeth Street walk. Have a great week! Sorry we missed Rona!

January 24

Great day, if a bit misty along the waterfront at the bottom of Liverpool. Lots of geese and swans in the water.

January 12

On January 12 we had a cozy group of walkers down at the Ajax waterfront.  The air was fresh and the company perfect!

January 3

Thanks to everyone who came out for this new years' week hike. The location (Lyndes Shore) was a bit uncertain, but we got going around 10:10 after a few stragglers found us.  Parking was a bit tricky.

The parking lot was so full that Donna had to park in an outside spot which had a ditch she wasn't expecting.

Happily, CAA saved the day and arrived within half an hour and got her unstuck. All in a days adventure!!!  We were a game lot, walking a bit longer and farther than usual! 

If there is ever a problem in finding us don't hesitate to call me.  My number is 905-409-1316.  We delayed a bit due to parking complexities, but I'd hate to miss anyone who can't find our spot.  

December 2023

Intrepid crew!  thanks Janet, for giving us the tour of local trails! A great spot. We will come again!

We look like we're being held hostage by the two masked people behind us!!

Nice shot!!

Duffins Trail

Greenwood Conservation

October 2023

Our October 25 walk was the last walk organized by Bernice Pyke who leaves rather large shoes to fill and we are grateful for the research and time she has given to arranging a variety of walks over the years.


August 2023

July 2023

March 2023

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